Hi! I’ve been pretty busy, and I didn’t get to make time for some of the things that I find myself missing now.
It’s been a lot of fun too, but also I’m glad that I’ve finally gotten an emptier weekend to breathe and reflect for a little. Recognizing the things that I want to prioritize (and also what to deprioritize) has left me a little more committed to the healthier hobbies and activities that I want to bring back.
One of those things is this blog.
It’s crazy how the last published post was 8 months ago, and reopening this on my local machine, I forgot about how many draft posts or ideas I had started but not yet finished… and now there’s even more.
To name a few:
So, no promises, but I’ll try publishing a bit more regularly by also keeping these posts a bit shorter… starting with this one! See you soon :D
pic: a sunset from visiting La Jolla, San Diego