Arthur Liu


This post has been a long time coming. Most times that I come back to this website, I find that it isn’t as cool as I imagined, especially that landing page that I spent ages drawing up and designing. (Don’t bother checking it, I’ve already changed it. It was several stiched photos to create an artsy vibe of me looking off towards the Seattle skyline. I’ll contend that the idea isn’t bad at all–execution however was definitely lacking…)

Recently, I’ve also been learning react, and this website just seems more and more obsolete. Yet altogether, I’m not displeased. The GitHub + Jekyll combination is quite amicable, and I was actually pleasantly surprised to discover that I did in fact leave myself a framework that is easy to post; Jekyll’s claim as a “blog-aware” static-site generator really does hold water.

I originally had big plans to separate posts into various different categories. I definitely miscalculated just how much I thought I would write, so today, I finally got around to tidying up the website a bit: commenting out all those additional sections and toning back the arsty, colorful vibe that comes off as just a bit too striking. 4 different sections and 1 post (with 5 or so placeholders) just doesn’t work out.

This post takes us to 2 posts: hopefully, more to follow :)

p.c: photo of Diamond Lake, Oregon by me this last summer on a camping trip with family and mosquitos.